Gratitude List
- I think this page is going to be great to look back on whenever I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or overall quite down. This part of my blog is designed to make me think more positively and look forward to things in my life :)
Notes from Psychology and the Good Life
- Psychology and the good life is a class that Laurie Santos created at Yale when she realized how unhappy students were
- She wanted to teach both the science and practical application of being happy
- Specifically, how to change behavior and habits
- It takes practice to actually become a happy person and change your behaviors to fit what you are trying to make your new habits
Things I am greatful for
- Music

- Books

- My friends

- My family

- ice cream
- My scrum team
Things I am looking forward to
- Senior Activities

- Graduating

- More free time after College Apps
- Spending time with my friends
Happiness Goals
- Try to sleep at a set time each day
- Try not to procrastinate assignments which lead to less sleep
- Make a schedule right after school including daily and weekly assignments
- Go outside and get away from technology more (go on walks or exersize)
- Spend more time with family and friends
Monthly Happiness Scale
- September: 6: So far pretty happy for some reason. Looking forward to spending more time with friends and reading a book that I just got. Stressed about college apps and getting the essays done for them.
- October:
- November:
- December:
- January:
- February:
- March:
- April:
- May:
- June: