- toc: true 
- badges: true
- comments: true
- categories: [jupyter, Class Lessons]
- image: images/chart-preview.png
public class Cow
    Cow myCow = new Cow(); 
    Cow bessie = new Cow("hostein", "moo"); 


public static void main(String[] args){
// Basic Java Class

public class Snack { // class name always starts with capital letter

     * Instance variables
     * Always declared right after class declaration
     * Declared with TYPE and NAME
    private String name;
    private int calories;

    // constructor
    public Snack(String n, int c){
        name = n;
        calories = c;

    // methods
    public String getName(){ // accessor
        return name;

    public void setName(String n){ // mutator
        name = n;

    // main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Snack one = new Snack("Oreos", 100);

public class cow
    //on her fastpahes
//Hack 3
//Hack 4
public class Song

  /** Verse - prints out a verse of the song
   * @param number - a String like "one", "two", etc.
   * @param rhyme - a String like "thumb", "shoe", etc.
   public void verse(String number, String rhyme)
     System.out.println("This old man, he played " + number);
     System.out.println("He played knick knack on my " + rhyme);

  // The chorus method
  public void chorus()
     System.out.println("With a knick knack paddy whack, give a dog a bone.");
     System.out.println("This old man came rolling home.");

  public static void main(String args[])
      Song mySong = new Song();
      mySong.verse("one", "thumb");
      mySong.verse("two", "shoe");
      mySong.verse("three", "knee");
