1. This question involves the implementation of a fitness tracking system that is represented by the StepTracker class. A StepTracker object is created with a parameter that defines the minimum number of steps that must be taken for a day to be considered active. The StepTracker class provides a constructor and the following methods. • addDailySteps, which accumulates information about steps, in readings taken once per day • activeDays, which returns the number of active days • averageSteps, which returns the average number of steps per day, calculated by dividing the total number of steps taken by the number of days tracked
public class StepTracker {

    // accessing and showing our private instance variables
     private int totalSteps;
     private int minimumSteps;
     private int daysActive;
     private int days;
     // constructor with the parameter 
     public StepTracker(int least){
         minimumSteps = least;
         totalSteps = 0; // values to initialize variables
         daysActive = 0;
         days = 0;
     //added the dailySteps method as the "AddDailySteps"
     public void AddDailySteps(int steps){
         totalSteps += steps; //shows active days and the incremental counting
         if (steps >= minSteps){
             daysActive++; // updates the other instance variables
     //the activeDays method
     public int getdaysActive(){ // declared and implemented into program
         return days;
     public double avgSteps(){
         if (days == 0){
             return 0.0;
             //returns the calculated double of the average number of steps walked
             return (double) totalSteps / days; 