Media Bias Notes

Different Types of Media

  • Print Media
  • Broadcast Media
  • Social Media
  • Talk Radio
  • The Internet

Roles of the Media

  • Gatekeeper: the media determines what issues get attention and for the time frame they do
  • Watchdog: investigative journalsim: Protects the people and the democracy, find things that the government will never tell us
  • Score Keeper: can help or hurt certain candidates with the news they report (often during an election)
  • Agenda Setter: Helps determine the national agenda

Types of Media Bias

  • Bias by Ommission
  • Bias in photos
  • Bias by Spin
  • Bias by repitition
  • Bias by Selection of Sources
  • Gatekeeping bias
  • Connotation
  • Loaded language