Project Ideas

We had multiple ideas at the start but we narrowed it down to one

  • We had the idea to create an AP Lit website with an organized list of assignments and deadlines that included a place for AP Lit students to chat about different assignments and proects
  • We also had an idea to make a data collector for AP Stats where we are starting our first data collecting project
  • We also considered a website modeled after Goodreads but specifically for DNHS students to find and rate books
  • One of the final ideas we considered was a market place also soley for DNHS students for secondhand books and clothing.

  • We decided on the marketplace as we had more ideas as to how to impliment the design properly


  • We all have different interests for why we wanted to do the project
  • Shraddha: Liked the fact that many single use items like dance dresses and ap test books would be able to be sold to others at Del Norte for future generations usage