Initial Ideas

Project Inspiration

  • Even though we had the option of adding onto our previous trimester project we decided to make a new project idea so that each of our team members would be equally as interested
  • We multiple ideas including a classroom tool and quiz platform
  • Ultimately we decided we wanted to do something more lighthearted and social focused which is how we settled on Friendlee, a friend finding app designed similar to a mainstream dating app where computer science enthusiasts and others alike are able to find friends

Project Components

  • When first designing our wireframe we kept with our lighthearted theme and decided on different shades of pink and white as our color pallete
  • On the front page we wanted to have a quotes API that displyed different friendship quotes and different friendship characteristics
  • We also wanted a page where different friends in the database are displayed after being collected through the sign up page

Project Building


  • We realized early on that we needed a fourth component so that each of us would have a task so we also decided to create a notes part of the person database to store pros and cons of each person in our database
  • We were able to get our frontend to look nice easily through a jekyll theme and some html however we struggled with connecting the frontend features to the backend
  • We had a lot of trouble with JWT and security, a concept that was new to us
  • We also ran into a big issue with all of us trying to complete all of our parts at once, leading to many errors building up.

Final Project

  • We were able to make the front page very similar to what we had planned with a quotes API and friendship characteristics
  • We have a sign up and login page that records the person characteristics and notes into a database
  • We also included a page with cards displaying each person in the database

Final Thoughts

What went well

  • Pretty much all the frontend work
  • Working together/communicating with each other througouht the project
  • sticking to our original ideas

What we could improve on

  • time management
  • Debugging and problem solving (not trying to fix everything at once which led us to more and more errors)
  • Cementing our knowledge on JWT and its implimentations