On this practice exam, I scored 32/40. I think this is a 5 on the AP exam so I am pretty proud of this score. In the future, I will focus on being able to complete the test within the time limit since I took over 3 hours on this test over a couple of days.


K is initialized to 0 and not 1. If k was intialized to 1, the answer would be 6. Because it is intialized to a number below 1, the answer is 1 more, at 7.


For this one, I wasn't exactly sure what "tolerance" meant in this case so I guessed the answer. I learned later that you need to take the absolute value using Math.abs and checking to make sure the number is below what they say the tolerance is.


For this one, I thought the code would not compile because the computer wouldn't recognize the class. However, after looking at the code again, it is because the book class cannot be called outside of the class.


On question 30, I was debating between my wrong answer and the right answer. Now I realize that because 1 is added the word would print one letter less at "ilercom"


I got this one wrong because of a silly mistake. I read this as n would be mutliplied by k but it would actually be to the power of k.


I got the first part of the question right but not the second part. When taking this test, I wasn't sure whether to include the thirs option because it introduced x and y.


I thought the right answer used or instead of and in this case but I got all the other parts of the question correct.


I'm not exactly sure why I got this problem wrong since when I looked at it again later I got the correct answer. It may just be because it was the last question on the test. Since there is a "-1" the code will only print up to "WATC"