
  • On this practice exam, I scored 37/52
  • Below are some of the questions and main concepts I missed



  • I got this question wrong because the answer I selected, 64 would set the array to iterate using 5 but that would not throw out an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException like 8 would


  • I'm not too sure why I got this question wrong because I got the part right where the loop iterates from inside to outside, however the outer loop iterates across values first.


  • I got this question wrong because I did not know that because 1 and 2 were int variables, the operation "+" would add them instead of just concatinating them


  • I got this question wrong because I mixed up whether "baboon" or "bear" would be printed first. The size was calcuated before the room so the two animals would be switched when printed.


  • I got this question wrong because I thought that the answer was 6 which would mean that line 12 was executed once for each element of arr when it was actually 4 times because line 12 was executed every time the variable sm updated


  • I got this question wrong because I missed that option II was right as well as option I because I missed that the statement inside the loop calls "getNum"


  • I got this question wrong mainly because I was rushing at the end so I didn't study the board correctly and selected the wrong option. Answer E is correct because it follows nested for loops and if statements, printing out the correct board.


  • On this practice exam, I scored 37/52 which I think would be passing with a 4 or 5 on the ap exam
  • In the future, I will focus on being able to complete the test within the time limit since I took over 2 hours on this test over a couple of days, taking breaks in between
  • I didn't do as well on this practice mc as the other one but I feel like I understood the material (arrays) on this test more while taking it because it focused on only a couple concepts
  • To further my confidence with arrays I think I need to learn/remember all the different rules better